How To Withdraw Cash From A Bitcoin ATM


Published on 11 Jul 2017

How to withdraw cash from one of our Bitnational Bitcoin ATMs.

Rohit Kumar

Who all came here for Nicole?

Page Loyamba

Seems like a lot of work! Too much work!

Ian Hosein

Why not just redeem right away? What if the redemption code does not print, or somebody snatches it out of your hand?

You can teach me anything,.. anytime sweetheart!


What are the fees?

Mike Anderson

10 min to 1 hr lol


What type of money was that

10 minutes to an hour to stand around an ATM waiting for your money they better work on that….lol..


too much time and work. the goverments will never allow this to replace paper money. good luck to all who is making money off this while you can. it will soon be irrelevant

Xi Xu

That is a LONG and complicated process !

That money looks weird


I’ve tried 2 different Bitcoin machines, but they always allow buying of bitcoins, but won’t allow me to withdraw anything. Are there scam machines? How do you know if they are legit or not?

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